月曜日, 10月 30, 2006

Candidate for guruship

Down the list at the side you'll spot the name Tae Kim. For me, this guy's work is an invaluable tool for learning Japanese. His guide to Japanese is simply one of the most interesting and thoughtfully constructed intros to the language you will find anywhere (I'd be lying if there wasn't a small part of that in the genesis of this site).

The guide is, however, only part of the story. He also contributes to a site called 3Yen which is a blend of the obvious, the dull and enlightening. That last category is pretty much served exclusively by Kim. He answers queries, posts his own musings and apologises for not having blogged as frequently as he would like (yeah, I'm like him in one respect then!)

The malaise that has hampered my learning of late is in no small part down to some of the problems discussed in this entry on his blog at 3Yen, Tips for Learning.

One of the comments seems strangely familiar (don't learn off the wife - I covered it a few posts back myself), but really the whole thing resonates as I am aware that for all the progress I made initially, and the claw back at the beginning of the year, once again my Japanese is stagnating and in decline. It's perhaps because as it stands right now, the chance of returning to Japan seems to be fading and I'm getting a little bummed by that.

月曜日, 10月 16, 2006

Why this doesn't work

I set this whole blog up as a tool to encourage me to study more and use a blog more often (I have a certain professional interest in their use applied to learning you see).
So much for that plan.
The actual effect was to stop me both writing any blog or studying. This comprehensively did for my attempt at the 3級.
Nevermind, since we're so broke we aren't likely to be going to Japan any time soon, there's always next year.

So let's kick off Ninhongojira once again, this time with the kind of insight that makes sense wihout studying the damn language.

If you use the ever-so-useful IME to type your Japanese, you may not know that you can easily switch between English and 日本語 input simply by pressing left Alt+shift.

Makes life a lot easier.