水曜日, 11月 29, 2006

More quality materials

For Nihongojira it's my desire to plug only the finer sites that can help in the quest to learn.

Another one I have found, thanks to those wonderfully contributors on the JPod forum is this little place: the JLPT Study Page.

It is specifically geared to the most widely (only?) recognised exam for students of Japanese. Lots of useful references and a system that links to the best grammar resource on the web, Tae Kim's, mean it is a great place to check your level. I'm pleased to see it also references Jim Breen's JDic and Meguro Language Centre.

That's pretty much all the places I recommend too.

金曜日, 11月 10, 2006

OK, I'm getting serious

My recent regular attendance at Bristol Japan Club is spurring me on, and conversations with other learners have encouraged me. So I've joined JapanesePod 101.

Check it out if you haven't already.